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Note the date,clearly still no one knows what the future holds.

At this stage there was no conscription and personnel may or may not wish to join up.
sadly as we now know the losses of men was such that both public pressure and conscription would follow.
The brigade of course have to be ready for every eventuality. assistance to the public has the highest priority. Normal they were well versed in their work some were new recruits and these would require training and very soon since they did not know when the next call would come.

The number of casualties which could follow enemy action was an unknown. Their ambulance training swiftly moved into full program. I guess that this was mostly first aid.

The Crew
Cpt F Beale
Fm J Davis
Fm W Blake
Fm C Simkins
Fm H Archer
Fm W Cornelious
Fm V Alexander
Fm Irwin