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Fire at Newton Stacey Farm turned out with steamer.

The incident involved a clover rick just a few yards from another rick's.
Farm hands and others were working on the job before the arrival of the brigade. Water was a bit remote and they had to collected water with the water carts. and used what we would call salvage sheets to cover the surrounding risks These they kept wet to prevent ignition by sparks .

The farm owned by Winchester College. Mr Tarbut recently bought it and the fire was caused by Mr Tarbut letting off fireworks and the falling rocket case and stick was found. It had been fired about 300 ft away and was seen to land on the rick. Not the sort of celebration he planned.

The Crew
Cpt F. A. Beale,
Fm J Davis,
Fm C Jerome,
Fm V Alexander,
Fm H Noyce
Fm H Archer,
Fm W Cornelious.
Fm F Bell,
Fm B Irwin,
Fm B George,